I ran into a funny article a few days ago on gizmag.com:
"The KissPhone for remote kissing"
[link: http://www.gizmag.com/the-kissphone-for-remote-kissing/11532/]
This article reffers to this new artefact created by a french freelancer (Georges Koussouros).
The device is supposed to bring, i think, the sensation of a kiss... in fact, a virtual kiss thanks to a thing called "teledildonics" (electronic sex toys controlled by a computer).
It is phisicly desing to create remote kissing, including "the pressure, percussion speed, temperature, and sucking force of your mouth (...)", so it has a mouth made out of silocone to recreate the kisses someone sends and recieves.
Another cool thing about this device, is the "kiss bank", in which users are able to download or upload a kiss from the web.
So, lets say .... im in a mood for some "Orlando Bloom's sex appeal"... i log into the KissPhone website and search some Bloom's love for my entertainment.
Weird huh???
This is the WEIRDEST phone i've ever seen, funny but VERY STRANGE.
I dont know what scares me the most... that maybe when i get really famous (not) people will be able to KISS ME VIRTUALLY... or the fact that...
because of the daily progress that techonology has, one day...
people could just have sex with me... not as phone sex or whatever,
Gross and disgusting.
ANYWAY, for every weirdo out there...
CONGRATULATIONS! Feel free to use your KissPhone publicly... on the streets, subway, class room, hallway... etc.